martes, 15 de junio de 2010


Estamos rodeados de lo mejor de DANKS... para decorar la casa, cada vez que veamos un artículo de una vivienda de buen gusto, diseñada de esta época, podrán ver objetos diversos  al rededor de la mesa de comedor, mesa de servicio que está en el salón, o el vaso y jarra que generalmente están en la mesa de noche... en fin!!!  Jens Quistgaard nos inundo de piezas utilitarias tan bellas y  creativas que sólo se equiparan con arte, si esto suena raro, esperen a que vean sus piezas, no van saber que hacer con una hielera vikinga que parece una escultura. Un candelabro que es un diseño de hierro colado fantástico, una jarra que parece un florero, es magnifico!!!!
Yo cóloco estas piezas cómo adorno por toda mi casa, brindan cálidez y oportan arte.
Si les gusto Jens Quistgaard, vengan a Freak Hansen a ver las piezas que tenemos.

Although not the most famous of Danish designers, Jens Harald Quistgaard (JHQ) should be credited with bringing Danish design into the most American homes. Quistgaard's legacy runs deep within the design world. In a historical context, he is now known as Denmark's first industrial designer. There were many fine designers before him, but he was able to successfully apply his craft to mass produced goods in ways that had not been done previously; through innovation and close collaboration with manufacturers. 

JHQ was born in 1919 and trained as a sculptor and craftsman in childhood. His talents were significant and he went on to apply his vision to an unprecedented array of products in wood, glass, metal, and ceramics. Although his career was put on hold by World War II, he co-founded Dansk with the American Ted Nierenberg in 1954 and went on to design such classics as Fjord flatware, the staved teak line of table ware, Kobenstyle cookware, and many other very successful lines.

Quistgaard passed away on January 4, 2008 at his home in Denmark. His life's work won him numerous design awards and was featured in museums around the world, including New York's Museum of Modern Art and the Louvre. 

lint Go to Deconet
Denmark 1888 - 1954

De lunes a viernes a las 7,00 pm prevía cita.

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